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ATV Maintenance Tips Everyone Should Know

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September 28, 2022 at 12:37:00 PM PDT September 28, 2022 at 12:37:00 PM PDTth, September 28, 2022 at 12:37:00 PM PDT

There are more than 1.2 million ATV owners having a ton of fun all across the country. It's easy to see why so many people have picked up this hobby and enjoy spending their free time off-roading. 

With so many ATV options available, everyone is able to find something that perfectly suits their needs and preferences. Everyone from small kids to aging adults can customize their experience for the best time. In order to keep the fun going as long as possible, it's key to stay on top of your ATV maintenance. 

The last thing you want is to have a breakdown in the middle of a ride or only be able to enjoy your vehicle for a short amount of time. Follow this guide to make sure you check everything off of your to-do list so you can keep riding! 

Check and Change Fluids 

Every engine, no matter what type of vehicle its powering, needs fluids. There is way too much friction without that lubrication making it easy for the parts to move where they need to go. 

While you have to have them, letting those fluids get too low or stay in the engine for too long can cause a whole host of serious issues. It's critical to make sure you're checking the levels every week or so. This way you can top them off when they get low or notice when they start to look dirty or sludgy. 

Replace Filters Often 

Just like you need the fluids to be clean and clear for an engine to run right, the air should be that way as well. This is why every engine is equipped with an air filter that is designed to hold any impurities back before they circulate through the system and cause any damage. 

Since ATVs are often ridden on dusty trails instead of paved roads, it's important to keep a close eye on these filters. It's like they'll clog up much quicker than other vehicles. 

Upgrade Damaged Parts

With so many parts making up an engine, it can sometimes feel like you're constantly doing repairs on your ATV. 

This feeling can sometimes lead you to think you can avoid those repairs for parts that are slightly damaged. Holding off on repairs is most often a huge mistake, you're just delaying the inevitable and inviting more serious problems to happen. Instead, change out those pieces with new parts to keep everything running smooth. 

Regular Tune-Ups 

Since your ATV is designed to drive on all kinds of terrain and not just on smooth trails, chances are that's exactly what you'll be doing. There's not much more thrilling than taking a drive through a difficult path for a unique view. But all of that jostling along the way can cause some issues for your ATV. 

It's a good idea to regularly inspect your vehicle for any loose connections. Taking a few minutes to tighten bolts and screws between all the major components can end up saving you a lot of stress and issues as you continue to drive. 

Maintain Tire Tread and Pressure 

Giving the engine a lot of care and attention is a great way to ensure that your ATV remains well-maintained for a long time. That doesn't mean you can forget about the other aspects that make the vehicle move. 

It's especially important to make sure that the tires on your ATV have solid tread and the right air pressure in them before every ride. A weak tire is the last thing you want as you try to cross rocky or uneven terrain. Those vulnerabilities can be a huge safety hazard as well, so it's best to keep everything in tip-top shape. 

Give it a Bath 

No list of ATV maintenance tips is complete without the advice to keep it as clean as possible. Obviously, as you take rides (especially if you're out in the mountains or off-roading) your ATV is going to get muddy with a lot of grime. That's totally normal and nothing to worry about. 

What you will have to worry about is the damage that's done when you let that dirt stay on the vehicle for too long. It will slowly affect the performance and make it difficult to manage if you're not careful. Take a few extra minutes to properly wash your ATV between rides to avoid any of those issues. 

Add Quality Accessories 

Once you've started to ride your ATV on a regular basis, chances are you'll be looking to add some accessories into the mix. It's important to make sure any accessories you choose are high-quality and will match the requirements of your specific vehicle. Choosing poor accessories can have a big impact on the way your ATV runs overall. 

Keep on a Consistent Schedule 

The very best thing you can do for your ATV is to create a consistent schedule for all of your maintenance tasks and stick with it. Doing each of these things one time will only give you a partial benefit while keeping up with it all will extend the ATV's life. 

Once you've created a routine and schedule for the maintenance tasks, it will become second nature and a part of the experience! 

ATV Maintenance Tips for Peak Performance

Having an exciting hobby that you can enjoy with all the people you love is one of the best things in life. When you love to ride ATVs, they do a lot of work for you. Taking the time to take care of your vehicles through proper ATV maintenance will ensure that you get to keep doing what you love for a very long time. 

Unfortunately, even with the best maintenance plan in place there are likely still going to be times when you need to replace parts. This is where our team comes in to help you stay on the road!

We have the knowledge and expertise you need to make the right purchases for all your ATV needs. Contact us today so we can help extend your ATV's lifespan!